“Tom Epley’s iconoclasm stands out in the crowd of well meaning but tired treaties on what to do about Africa. Epley’s medicine of clear but tough thinking may be hard for some to swallow, but it might actually help address the pathologies that ails this tragic continent.”-Geoffrey Garrett, President of the Pacific Council on International Policy; author of The Global Diffusion of Democracy and Markets
“Tom has done a brilliant job of translating his turn-around experience into strategies that can be used to be turn around countries in Africa. This seminal piece will become part of our curriculum at African Leadership Academy. We hope it will stimulate the future leaders of Africa to look at development issues in a refreshing new manner.”-Fred Swaniker, Founder & CEO, African Ledearship Academy.
“Tom Epley has done more hands-on turnarounds than just about anyone. He understands how to take a strategy and execute it well.”-David Bonderman, Principal, General Partner, and Founder texas Pacific buyout group.
"Corporate turnaround specialist Epley makes a compelling argument for a completely different approach to aid in sub-Saharan Africa... In this fascinating assessment of sub-Saharan Africa's struggles, Epley applies business principles to the developing and often war-torn countries, evaluating them as he would an ailing corporation. This well-informed, intelligently argued book will have readers thinking twice before donating to traditional aid organizations."-Kirkus Discoveries